
High K-Mold Results

Freedom Shaft Melter®, Infinity Aluminum Melting Furnaces, Crucibles

Performance + Service = The Perfect Alloy.

Better Melt

Positive energy transfer optimizes melt.

Better Hold

Less cleaning, less metal loss, greater profits

Better Pour

Transfer quality metal to your molds.

Better Products

Give us a call at
+ 1 (314) 423-9460

Aluminum Melting without Oxidation

Freedom® Aluminum Melting Furnace

Patented Nippon Freedom® shaft melter delivers best-in-class efficiency with up to an 18 month holding chamber cleaning cycle.

– Recuperates thermal energy from the shaft’s charge
– Less cleaning, less loss, less flux, more profit
– Extended cleaning cycle reduces manpower
– Reduced inclusions in the melt
– Fewer scrap castings from inclusions
– Less downstream rework
– Built in the USA exclusively by SINC Thermal

Looking for aluminum melting performance + service?

Infinity Shaft Melter

Made in America shaft melting furnace offers excellent return on energy dollar plus high volume, on-demand shaft melting, available in static or tilting configurations.

Features SINC Thermal’s exclusive Thermalseal hydraulic window and stack lids to help mitigate energy loss through the doors and lid.

Patented Aluminum Melting Technology
Available exclusively in the US from SINC Thermal, Freedom shaft melting furnaces feature patented melting and holding technology proven superior in more than 150 installations around the world. What’s the difference? Watch this video for a better understanding of why the Freedom shaft melting furnace delivers exceptional return on your investment.

1003 Stationary furnace shell assembly
the work horse

Aluminum Melting Crucibles

Choose static or tilting, gas or electric crucibles for aluminum melting or holding.
Crucible Furnaces